Gursimar's Sikhi Room

Sri Hari Mandir Sahib

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Golden Temple
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Sikh Photos

The Golden Temple

Sri Hari Mandir Sahib, also known as the Golden Temple, had its 420th Anniversary on July 24th,2005. That was two days ago. The Golden Temple,(as now called) is a living symbol of Sikhism. Many people in forums etc., say that Sikhism is becoming endangered, but I personally think that The Golden Temple in Amritsar is holding us together. Our religion is sitting in that historical building. The Pool of Nectar has santified by Sri Guru Ram Das Ji in 1574 A.D. as the fourth Guru.

Here is a night time shot of the Golden Temple.

Here is an older picture of the Golden Temple.


Sikh Net

And here is the entrance to one of the greatest places I've been too.
